Wednesday, November 28, 2018

My story is I'm short. I've always been the shortest kid in class since kindergarten.  When I was younger, it didn't bother me so much.  Now, it does.  When I was younger, my friends didn't make such a big deal about me being short. Now they do. Like, they say, "It looks like we've taken a first grader from Estes" when I'm a walker, and they also told me to stand back to back with a 2nd grader to see how short I was.  Now this boy calls me a dwarf, or dwarf mother, and I hate it.  Whenever my friends make jokes about how short I am, I just pretend to laugh with them, when really it feels like a punch in the gut.  I hate when people say, I have to look down to see you, or just say, "You're so short".  I also hate when my friends hold me against my will, or hold things above my head.  I feel like some of my friends, just don't care about my feelings anymore, and it really pains me to say this.  I also hate it when people say, "You haven't grown an inch since last year." and I have to tell them I did grow half an inch, or an inch.


  1. I'm sorry. I care about you. I will be your friend. I don't care about your size either. I would love to be short though. I can fit in all of the tight hiding spots for Hide and Seek! Think on the bright side. Stay strong and if your friends are being so mean maybe make some new friends who are nicer to you.

  2. Maybe tell your friends about how you really feel about what they were saying. They may have meant it as a joke so you should tell them seriously that it actually hurts your feelings. If they are your friends they would stop and apologize, if they don't care that it hurts your feelings, find some new friends.
