Tuesday, February 5, 2019

There are a lot of horrible things happening in this world right now.  A lot of suicide, homeless people, segregation, violence.  We need to speak up for it, it is not okay that these things happen.  For all of you on the Listen to Me Blog, I am sorry how your lives are going.  I want to help you guys.  People think that everyone is fine, but at home none understands the crap you guys go through.  Speak up to your parents and tell them to stop.  I know your lives feel like hell right now and I'm sorry.  From McColl Goding


  1. I really appreciate that you have taken the time to speak out and support your fellow classmates. It sometimes is really helpful to know that you are no alone. It is also really important to remember that each person is going through their own stuff and we should all take a moment to remember that and give people some grace. Thank you for speaking up.

  2. Thank you for speaking up about that. It is very true.
