Wednesday, January 30, 2019

My life is really bad, I'm being bullied at home by my dad.  He tells me to shut up and get a life.  I have no privacy, they took away my door.  I really need help.  I'm depressed and try not to show it but it's there.  I've started acting out at school to get my mind off it.


  1. I'm sorry that this is happening, I don't even know you, and you don't know me, but people are who don't even know you are supporting you. Stay positive! Sending you a smile :)

  2. It doesn't matter who you are. None of us had the choice to be born. Humans have a very special thing about them. Its their communication ability. Some people use it to hurt others but you have communication to. At least try to defend yourself.
    Think about everything your parents have got for you. Think about the people who do love you.

  3. That must be really difficult to feel like that you don't have any privacy and to feel like to you don't have a say at or the ability to share your thoughts and ideas in your own home. You are important and valuable and your school counselor would like to be able to help you realize this. I like that someone else has shared with you that there are people out there that are routing for you. Your counselor is one and would be honored to work with you to work through your emotions and learn how to manage them at school so you don't feel like you have to act up to get your mind off of it. Let's explore options that work for you.

  4. I'm very sorry about this. I think that you shouldn't just keep these things down on the inside. You should speak about it. Sometimes, it helps to share your pain. I agree with the comment above about your counselor.
