Tuesday, December 18, 2018

My aunt is crazy and doesn't know how to take care of her own kids.  She has 2 teenagers.  Their parents are divorced and they don't even live with their mom even though it is 50/50 custody.  She is too busy partying at clubs and drinking and getting drunk all the time.  She only cares about money and Gucci products.  When my grandma was dying she didn't want to see her because the place was too poor for her.  She doesn't even feed her kids food!  She acts like she is still a teenager when she is really an adult.


  1. I bet it is really hard to watch an adult do things that you feel are not appropriate. I am sorry that you feel that this is happening. It sounds like you are worried about you cousins and do not feel like that they are being cared for as they deserve to be. I wonder if you check in with your cousins so that they know that you are thinking about them.
